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Boiler Scale Formation

Polar Code

International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters IMO has adopted the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) and related amendments to make it mandatory under both the  International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). The Polar Code entered into force on 1 January 2017. This marks an historic milestone in the Organization’s work to protect ships and people aboard them, both seafarers and passengers, in the harsh environment of the waters surrounding the two poles. The Polar Code and SOLAS amendments were adopted during the 94th session of IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), in November 2014; the environmental provisions and MARPOL amendments were adopted during the 68th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in May 2015.

Boiler Corrosion

Galvanic Corrosion Can occur due to Oxygen attack or contact of two dissimilar metals in an electrolyte (eg: Copper + Steel). Oxygen Attack (Pitting Corrosion) At the Anode: Metal goes into solution               Fe ⟶ Fe 2+ + 2 e -               OXIDATION At the Cathode: Oxygen is reduced           ½ O 2 + H 2 O + 2 e - ⟶ 2 OH -             REDUCTION The variables pH, temperature and the concentration of oxygen affect the rate of corrosion. To avoid this alkaline conditions are maintained in the boiler. Oxygen reacts with iron to give ferric oxide (rust) Fe 2 O 3 which will not protect the metal from further attack and metal is continuously dissolved. 4Fe + 3O 2 → 2 Fe 2 O 3 Hematite (ferric oxide) Oxygen corrosion is usually...